Sabtu, 01 April 2017

Contoh soal pg subject verbal agreement analysis eror


1) Lina …… the match in Olympic Games. She is so sad.
A. won
B. lost
C. jumped
D. celebrated

2) I went to dentist yesterday because my ….. were in pain.
A. hands
B. fingers
C. teeth
D. ears

3) A : Can you help me?
     B  : Yes, of course. What can I do for you?
     A  : Please, ….. this bag to my room.
     B   : Yes, Sir.
A. bring
B. help
C. give
D. Has

4) This exercise was too ….. for me. I got score 100.
A. difficult
B. easy
C. expensive
D. high

5) Diana’s barbie is broken. Diana is very …… now.
A. confuse
B. sad
C. happy
D. charm

6) The teacher’s duty is to ….. the students in the school.
A. teach
B. play
C. make
D. work

7) Luna is celebrating her birthday.
     Now Luna feels ……
A. angry
B. dusty
C. easy
D. happy

8) Mia : Adi, your shoes are so fit in your …… . You look georgeus.
     Adi  : Thank you.
A. finger
B. lip
C. hand
D. feet

9) The clown is so …… . He makes all kids laugh and happy.
A. funny
B. quiet
C. noisy
D. disgusting

10) I am so hungry. So, I …… a meal .
A. prepare
B. walk
C. kick
D. wear


1. Either sarah or susan have been ready to go.
                a             b             c                          d
·                           Answer : c. has
       two singular subjects connected by either/or requires a singular verb.
       2. Somebody want to speak to you
                   a           b          c             d
·                           Answer : b. wants
          Use a singular verb after ”somebody”
        3. Either of us are able to speak English.
                         a        b    c            d
·                          Answer : b. is
       Either the subject of the sentence, then use the singular verb.
       4. Either my father or I will going to the market.
                             a                b       c                d
·                           Answer : b. am
      when “I” was one of the subjects are connected by either/or, as well as the “I” placed on the second, then follow the subject with the verb am.
        5. A magazine and a book was lying on the table
                    a                     b       c              d
·                           Answer: d. were 
        two or more subjects connected by “and” use a plural verb

6. The people who lives next door asked me to get their mail.
            a           b      c                        d
·                     Answer : c. live
Subject in singular verb, then used the plural verb.

7. One of my friends like to cook Italian food.
             a        b          c           d
·                     Answer : c. like
 Subject in singular verb, then used the plural verb.

8. The study of languages are very interesting.
         a                  b              c                d
·                      Answer : c. is
  The study is singular subject, then used the singular verb  

9.  Honor and Glory is the reward
             a                   b   c     d
·                       Answer : b. are
 Two or more subjects connected by “and” use a plural verb

      10.  Bayu, not this wife, are doing the cooking
      a                   b            c                   d
·                       Answer : c. is
 Bayu is singular subject , then used the singular verb   

11. The boys walks to school.
          a             b     c     d
·                     Answer : b. walk
Subject in singular verb, then used the plural verb.

12. The quality of the mangoes were not good
           a             b         c             d
·                     Answer : d. was
The mangoes is singular subject, then used the singular verb

13. I  sings  a song that reminds me of him
                  a     b           c                d
·                      Answer: d. remind
               I is plural noun, then used the plural verb
            14. The singers performs bad cover songs
           a                  b                   c       d
·                     Answer : b. perform 
The singers is plural subject, then used the plural subject

15. The book in the library of Gunadarma University are  interesting
                     a                       b                                        c        d
·                     Answer : c. is
 The book is singular subject, then used the singular verb

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